Skreen 2020

A/V performance on SELFIE destruction

Skreen 2020 is an audiovisual action
Skreen 2020 is an overload of screens in the screen space
Skreen 2020 is a larsen between body and digital
Skreen 2020 is a corrupt occurrence
Skreen 2020 is a bugdebugger
Skreen 2020 is a spacetime of 6 inches and plus or minus 5 watts

Skreen 2020 (fucked selfie) is an audiovisual action, an installation, a re-vision of relationship between technology, body and space. Every selfie we upload on instagram is a deformation of our face. An out of control DIGITAL BOTOX that overcomes our consciousness in the anxious time of the immediate digital. The polygon of the screen is the window of the present
which mirrors and defines our identity. Marinelli moves in and out, breaks the magic of digital and reuses the pieces scattered among prints, vector modding, pc screens, projections and live cameras. The music is broken, it takes the flow of waiting frustrating … loading … of the frenzy of information, of the madness of images.

Skreens are the new houses for our identity, Skreen 2020 is the new punk house where we can lose it.